Sunday, October 14, 2007

Good bye boat

Winterized the boat today with Joe's help. Temp this morning was in the mid 30s but the sun came out and it warmed up to the middle 50's with a light breeze out of the southwest. Changed the oil in main motor and the kicker motor and the lower units of both motors. Greased the steering on the main drive and the lower unit of the main motor. Also ran 3 1/2 gallons of red pop through the main engine. Next year I need a new gasket for the engine oil drain plug for the kicker motor and I also found a leak on the reservoir for the trim taps that has to be fixed before launch. Next fishing trip will be off the docks.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Last Boat Trip of the Season

Took the day off work and fished with Joe and John H. Today's temp only made it to the lower 50s. The wind was out of the Northwest about 15 knots with waves about 2 feet.
Started fishing by the S buoy and caught a few small perch so we decided to head out to our honey hole. I followed the shoreline up the lake before we headed out to deeper water and the ride was not too bad. Started to catch some nice perch and then the white perch moved in and that was all that we were catching so we moved about a 100 feet. Same thing happened again so we picked up and moved. Same thing happened again so we called it a day. The perch were there, just the white perch were more aggressive.
Kept 29 perch between 7 3/4 and 11 inches for the last trip of the season. Will winterize the boat Sunday.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Summer in October

Fished with Captain Daryl and his friend Dale before work. Temperature this morning was in the middle 60's and by mid-day, it broke the record with a high of 90.

Winds were light out of the Southwest with no waves again today. With high expectations, we headed to the same spot we fished yesterday. Fishing was slow compared to yesterday. We moved three times in the same general area, trying to find some fish. Kept 48 perch between 7 3/4 and 10 inches. Not the catch we were hoping for, but at least we caught something!

Next Planned Trip: Friday 10/12/07 with John H. and Joe P.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

99 Yellow Perch on the Table!

Fished with Joe. John H. could not make it fishing today. Temp this morning was in the upper 60s and by the time we quit fishing it was in the mid 80s, and it's October!

Tried to buy our bait at Lake Erie Party Store but he lost power last night and all of his bait died so he sent us to Matthew's Bait, just down the road. They had shiner's but the count was not as good as Lake Erie Party store.

There was no wind today so we had no waves, and I do mean it was flat. Most of the lake had a major algae bloom because of the warm temps and the flat water.

Went to the S buoy and tried fishing there for awhile without any luck, so we decided to head out to our hot spot that we have been fishing the past three weeks ( 41 51 900 / 083 11 070 ) and boy was it hot! The past few weeks we've been catching as many white perch as yellow perch but today we caught mostly yellow perch. The fish we caught today were between 8 and 12 inches and most of them were around 9 inches. We Kept 99 perch for the day. Too bad we only have 1 more week to fish from the boat.

Next Planned Trip: Monday 10/08/07, with Daryl before work.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Another Nice Catch!

Fished with Daryl this morning before work. Temperature this morning was in the lower 50's and by mid-day it was in the upper 70's. The wind was light out of the Southeast with waves less than a foot.

We went back to the spot we have fished the past several times, and the fish are still there. Still caught a lot of white perch but the average size of the yellow perch has increased. Action was steady all morning. Kept 74 perch between 8 and 11 1/2 inches, with over 2/3 of the fish over 9 inches.

Received a report that they are starting to catch fish at the S Buoy but haven't checked it out yet. Plan on doing so Sunday.

Next Planned Trip: Sunday 10/07/07 with John H. and Joe.