Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Nice Walleyes and Jumbo Perch

Fished with captain Daryl on his maiden trip. Temperature this morning was in the lower 30 and when we quit fishing it was in the lower 50s. The wind was out of the west around 7 knots with waves less than a foot. The water temp is 53 degrees. We started to head towards Turtle Island and the water was very dirty so we turned around and went to the dumping grounds (41 48 700 / 083 24 800). We were jigging with blade baits and jigs tipped with a minnow. Caught no fish off the blade baits. We had a lot of bites and lost a few fish because they were hitting so lightly. Kept 5 walleye and 3 jumbo perch.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Trout fishing 2010 is over. The fishing was very good on opening day and then it just went down hill. Joe caught this hog on Monday and it was the only keeper that we had today. The brown trout was 21 inches long, the largest fish that we have ever caught on opening weekend. Good job Joe!! The weather was pretty nice for the opening weekend, since it was the earliest it could ever be. It rained for 4 hours on Sunday and it was dry for the rest of the trip. We were able to have trout dinners for 3 nights, and they were excellent. For the weekend we kept 12 brown trout.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sunday's Catch From Grayling

Photo on the left is from Sunday, April 25, 2010. More trout - 1 per person???

Photo on the right is another pic from Saturday's Catch.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Opening Day of Trout Season

Well, it took us a while to get to Grayling Friday due to getting two flat tires on the camper.
Today the weather began with temps in the upper 20's, which was cold enough to form ice on the eyelets. Throughout the day the temps warmed up to the upper 50's. With the overcast skies, it was a good day for fishing. We fished using minnows and worms - the worms were better in the afternoon. We caught a lot of 8" to 10" fish which should make for good fishing next year. The largest fish we caught today was 14" (all were brown trout).
We had a trout dinner tonight which was fantastic, and we have enough fish for dinner the next two nights also!
There are not very many people on the river and we are the only occupants at the campground!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Trout Season Opener !!

John, Joe, and I are off this morning for Grayling, MI, for our Annual Trout Season Fishing Trip! The season opens Saturday morning. We'll set up the camper today and scout out some of our fishing holes. Doesn't sound like the weather will be too great (rain and cool/cold) but hopefully we'll have a good time and catch some fish! Will report more later.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Jigging By The Island

Fished with Daryl and Doug. Temperature this morning was in the upper 30s and by the time we quit fishing it was in the middle 50s. The wind was out of the northeast at 5 knots and the waves were less than a foot. The water was very clean compared to the last two trips. Started fishing where we left off on the last trip and we picked up a few fish. Stayed in this area for quite awhile and then the bite slowed down. Made a move across the channel and we caught one more fish. All the fish except for one were caught off the jig and minnow, the other one came off the blade bait. Kept 8 walleye for the trip and lost about 5 other fish.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Brutal Day of Fishing

Fished with Joe and John H. for the afternoon fish. We only had two hours to fish because Toledo Beach Marina closed at 5:00 PM, instead of 8:00 PM like they should. Temperature this afternoon was in the upper 50s for the whole trip. The wind was out of the west 20 to 25 knots and the waves were 2 to 3 feet, not the best of conditions. It rained for the first hour and then the sun came out. We ran two drift bags and could have used another one. We fished by Turtle Island on the mud line (41 45 500 / 083 21 360). We were able to make about 5 passes before we had to call it a day. I started off using the blade baits and Joe and John were using a jig and Minnow. Nothing was working so I switched to a jig and minnow and then we started to catch some fish. We kept 8 walleye and lost only one. We finished off the trip by going to Trappers and having a fresh walleye dinner.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Maiden Voyage

Fished with Daryl, Doug cancelled last night. Temperature this morning was in the lower 50s and when we quit fishing it was in the upper 70s. The wind was out of the southwest 5 to 18 knots with waves less than a foot, probably the best April 15 ever. We started fishing where we left off last Monday and the water was very dirty. We used the blade baits for the first 45 minutes and had no hits so we switched over to jigs and minnows. Started getting a few hits off the minnows but we could not land the fish. For the next couple of hours we switched between the blades and the jigs - the blades had no hits. We kept one walleye and lost about 8 others. The fish are still there but it was not our day.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Turtle Island

Went down to work on the boat today and I ran into Captain Eddie (Hollywood) and his first mate, Rob. I helped them launch his boat and then they asked me to go fishing with them, so away we went. Temperature this afternoon was in the upper 50s with a northeast wind 5 to 10 knots. The waves were about a foot and the skies were blue. Our first stop was the humps in Michigan waters not to far from Toledo Light house, where Rob caught his fish yesterday. Fished there for 45 minutes and we only had one hit so we moved half way between the light house and Turtle Island in 9 feet of water. Caught a couple of fish there and then we moved closer towards Turtle Island and we found the fish. It did not take long to get our limit once we were on the fish. We kept 12 walleye and 1 nice perch and had about 8 other fish on that we lost. All the fish were caught using blade baits, either casting or jigging.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Detroit River Fishing

Fished with Captain Dwayne and his brother Uncle Dan. I was working around the house this afternoon when Dwayne called and asked if I wanted to go fishing, so away we went. Temperature this afternoon was in the mid 60s with a light wind out of the southeast. When we got to Belanger Park to launch the boat the temperature dropped about 20 degrees and the wind was blowing out of the southeast 10 to 15 knots. We talked to some guys at the dock and the reports were bad. We headed off to Mud Island and fished around it for a while with no luck. Made a move to the matchstick and did not catch anything. Moved again to the water intake and again caught nothing. Went back to Mud Island and tried it again and had the same results, no fish. Headed back up river to Belanger Park and fished in front of the steel plant and caught nothing, again. For the day we had no hits and no fish, but it sure felt nice to be back on the water again.