Sunday, July 31, 2011

Could be the Last Trip for Walleye

Fished with Joe, Booth and Uncle Dan could not make it. Temperature this morning was in the lower 70s and when we quit fishing it was in the lower 90s. The wind was out of the southwest 10 to 15 knots for most of the trip with waves less than 2 feet. The water temp is 82 degrees and the majority of the algae has moved out. We started fishing on the edge of the dumping grounds and we caught only silver bass so we made a move to the turn around buoy. We stayed in this area going between the turn around and Sputnik buoys. We trolled with wiggle warts set at 110 feet back on one side of the boat and jet 40s set at 55 feet back on the other side. The jets started to catch some walleye so we put jets on both sides of the boat. I could not find all my jet 40s so we had to mix some jet 30s with some jet 40s. The catching was slow and it was hot but we just picked away at the fish. Kept 9 walleye and we had 2 throw back walleye.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Found the Fish Too Late

Fished with Daryl and Chico. Temperature this morning was in the lower 60s and when we quit fishing it was in the upper 70s. The water temp is 81 degrees. The west wind the last few days pushed out most of the algae. The wind was out of the west today 10 to 15 knots and after a couple of hours it started to lay down. The waves were about 2 feet. Around 12:30 the wind started blowing up to 25 knots which made the fishing terrible. Started fishing at 41 51 200 / 083 17 000 trolling east with the waves to our back. Picked up 2 walleye right out of the gate and then it went down hill from there. Trolled for about 3 miles without any fish so we pulled lines and made the same troll again but we went a little further to the west to start our troll. Set lines and this time we put jet 40s set at 50 feet back on one side and  wiggle warts set at 90 feet back on the other side. Trolled for 3 miles again with out any walleye. Pulled lines and headed to the northeast corner of the dumping grounds and set the troll to the east again. Started to catch some fish at 41 48 240 / 083 18 450 and then the wind picked up. We were on some active fish but the wind was just too much to troll so we called it quits for the day. Kept 7 walleye and 1 perch.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Heat is Still On

Fished with Joe and John. Temperature this morning was in the lower 70s and when we quit fishing it was in the lower 90s. The heat wave continues. The wind was variable less than 10 knots with waves less than a foot. The water temp is 81 degrees. The west wind we had the last few days pushed most of the algae out to deeper water but we still had to fish in some light algae. Started fishing just past the E buoy and we caught 1 walleye right out of the gate but after 45 minutes of fishing that was all that we had. Made a move to 41 51 300 / 083 14 625, which is front of the 2 stacks in 22 feet of water and we started to catch some fish. We ran wiggle warts 100 feet behind the boards and the best colors were the metallic. We trolled in and out from the 12 line to the 14 line and just picked away at the fish. Kept 18 walleye and we had 2 throw back walleye.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hot Days of Summer

Fished with Captain Daryl and Mark. Temperature this morning was in the lower 70s and when we quit fishing it was in the lower 90s. The wind was out of the south less than 10 knots and the waves were less than a foot. The algae is blooming but there are no weeds. Started fishing at 41 51 220 / 083 11 450 and we stayed in this general area. Started off with jet 20s set at 60 feet back and wiggle warts set at 70 feet back. We also ran the large dipsy's set on number 3 at 30 to 40 feet back and they pulled a few fish. After a while of fishing the warts were catching more walleye so we put out warts on both sides set at 100 feet back. Caught a lot of fish so we had to sort through them and it kept everyone busy. Kept 13 walleye and we had 3 small walleye that we put back.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Just Pecked Away

Fished with Daryl and Uncle Dan. Temperature this morning was in the upper 60s and when we quit fishing it was in the lower 90s. The wind was out of the southwest less than 10 knots with waves around a foot. The water temp is 78 degrees. Had another late start today because we had to wait 50 minutes for a hilo driver, second time this year. The lake was in very good shape, no weeds and no mayflies.  Our game plan was to start trolling at the C buoy heading east with wiggle warts set at 70 feet behind the planer boards. After 45 minutes and only one fish we pulled lines and headed towards the swamp. Only saw a few boats there so we went back towards the E buoy and started fishing 1 mile past the buoy running the same program. Started to catch some walleye at 41 52 040 / 083 16 360. We just worked this area for the rest of the trip and caught mostly walleye. The catching was pretty slow but the majority of the fish we caught were walleye.  Best warts were anything with metallic paint on them. Kept 12 walleye for the day.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Bumpy and Weedy

Fished with Captain Daryl and Mark. Temperature this morning was in the middle 60s and when we quit fishing it was in the upper 70s. The wind was out of the northeast 16 to 19 knots with waves 2 to 4 feet. After 3 hours of fishing the wind started to lay down and so did the waves. The water temp is 76 degrees. Started fishing in front of the two stacks heading into the waves. We ran jet 20s at 55 and 65 feet back. With the wind and the waves it was hard to set lines but we managed. Picked up about four fish and then we turned around and went with the waves to our backs. Picked up some more fish this way, so we made the turn and headed back into the waves. Picked up most of the fish around 41 52 040 / 083 16 360. The next thing we knew the weeds started arriving and the fishing went down hill. At one point every line had some weeds on it. Once that happened we called it a day. Kept 9 walleye.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Another Tough One

Fished with Uncle Dan. Temperature this morning was in the lower 70s and when we quit fishing it was in the lower 80s. The wind this morning was out of the north 10 to 14 knots with waves around 2 feet. As the day went on the wind died down and started to switch so the lake laid down. The water temp is 72 degrees. The mayfly hatch is starting to wind down but there is still some larvae on the surface of the water. We started fishing at 41 08 250 / 083 07 400. Caught a lot of sheephead and silver bass but no walleye. Started trolling towards Middle sister Island and we still had no fish so we pulled lines and made the run in between the islands. Started trolling again and now we were catching small silver bass, just a pain in the butt. We caught a walleye off the jet 30s set at 85 feet back and that was just by luck. Fished around here for a couple of hours and then we headed towards Stoney Point. Found a lot of weeds and debris floating around so we called it a day. On the way out to our fishing spot this morning the engine quit a couple of times and then it was alright. On the way back to the harbor it started acting up again 6 miles from port. We limped our way back but we did make it. Sounds like a carburetor problem so I picked up a filter on the way home and will install it tomorrow. Kept 1 walleye for a long day of fishing.