Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I'm Getting Worse at This

Fished with Captain Daryl. Temperature this morning was in the middle 50's and when we quit fishing it was in the middle 50's. The wind was out of the northwest anywhere between 10 to 25 knots. Waves in the swamp were less than a foot and by the E-Buoy they were about 1 1/2 feet. The water temp is 65 degrees. It was drizzling rain for the first 3 hours. Started fishing in the swamp and we only caught small perch. Made 3 moves in this area and we had 4 small perch that we kept. Went out to Turtle island and fished all around it. At one spot we were about 500 feet from the island. When we dropped anchor at the north side of the island we caught 1 big perch and a lot of little ones. After a half hour of fishing we pulled the anchor and headed towards the E-Buoy. About half way to the E-Buoy we stopped and tried fishing, nothing but little perch. We then went to the E-Buoy and tried 3 spots around there and only caught 1 keeper perch so we came back to port and put Daryl's boat to rest for the winter. Kept 6 perch on a rainy day, not good.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

No Perch Yet

Fished with Daryl and Mark. Temperature this morning was in the middle 50's and when we quit fishing it was in the middle 70's. The wind was light out of the northeast and the waves were less than a foot. The water temp is 64 Degrees. This string of great weather just continues. The fog was not too bad, visibility was about 1 mile. Started fishing in the swamp and we were catching perch but they were small. Made a couple of moves here and we only had 2 keeper perch. Moved to Huey's old spot and caught nothing. Made the move to the light house and fished the second set of buoy's to the east. Not even a bite. Saw a pack of boats on the gravel pits in Ohio so we headed there. Caught 2 perch about 5 inches and saw no one else catching fish so we moved to the first set of buoys before McDonald's. Not even a bite. Went back into the swamp and set up. We were catching perch but most of them were small. We stayed here and sorted through the fish. Kept 11 perch on a very nice day on the lake. The algae was pretty bad in the swamp from all this east wind. I know if we had stayed in the swamp we would have had more fish.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Lunch at Trapper's

Fished with Joe and Daryl. Temperature this morning was in the lower 50's and when we quit fishing it was in the lower 70's. The wind was out of the northeast less than 10 knots with waves around a foot. The water temp is 66 degrees. When we arrived at the marina the fog was thick, as Huey would say it's thicker than pea soup. We motored out very slow to the E-buoy and set up for perch fishing. Not even a bite so pulled anchor and made a small move. Again nothing and the fog was still thick. We decided to head to the spot we fished last time out. It took over an hour to get there. Spent the rest of the trip here. The catching was slow and the size was not very large. We just stayed here and caught enough fish to stop at Trapper's and have a perch dinner. Kept 26 perch. The fog did not lift until 11:30 AM.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Caught a Few

Fished with Joe. Temperature this morning was in the lower 50's and when we quit fishing it was in the middle 60's. The wind was out of the southeast in the morning less than 10 knots and when we quit fishing it was out of the east just over 10 knots. The waves were 1 foot early and when we quit fishing they were around 2 feet. The water temp is 64 Degrees. Started fishing by the E-Buoy and the water was a little dirty and we caught no fish. Moved out to the shipping channel between Sputnik and McDonald's and caught nothing. Made a couple of moves around here and caught nothing. We packed up and moved to some old way points off the Raisin River channel and caught no fish. Moved into Breast Bay on the Michigan/Ohio border (41 53 013/ 083 11 650) and we started to catch some perch. We had one flurry where we caught about 12 fish between 10 and 12 1/4 inches. It was slow picking but a least we kept 35 perch.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Still Slow Perchin'

Fished with Captain Daryl. Temperature this morning was in the lower 50's and when we quit fishing it was in the upper 60's. The wind was out of the west southwest less than 10 knots with waves under a foot. The water temp is 66 Degrees. Started fishing by the number 2 buoy on the River Raisin. We stayed here for quite a while just catching a perch a once in a while. The fish that we caught here were pretty nice. Once the catching quit we moved straight out about 2 miles in a pack of boats. We drove through the pack and only saw a few fish being caught so we moved towards Stoney Point in 25 feet of water. We set up and spent the rest of the trip here catching a few perch that were just keepers. We finished the day with 31 perch. We also caught and released a few small mouth bass and a couple of small walleye. The one walleye was only 5 inches long. We also saw 24 monarch butterflies out on the lake today making their long journey to Mexico.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Same Old Story

Fished with Joe and Daryl. Temperature this morning was in the lower 50s and when we quit fishing it was in the middle 50s. Kind of cold for this time of year. The wind was out of the southwest around 10 knots with waves about 1 foot. The water temp is 67 Degrees. The game plan was to head to the number 2 buoy and start fishing there. Well, we got a report at the dock before we left that they were catching some perch at McDonald's so that was where we headed. Started fishing on the northwest side of McDonald's and we caught a couple of keeper perch but after an hour we moved to the other side of McDonald's. Caught nothing here so we went back to the other side of McDonald's and caught no perch. Decided to head to the River Raisin Buoy #2 and fish. On the way there we were going by an old perch way point from last year so we tried that. Again nothing. We went to Buoy #2 on the River Raisin channel and set up. We would catch an occasional keeper perch so we stayed put for the rest of the day. Kept 20 perch for the trip. It started to rain when we were by McDonald's and then it quit. It then started to rain again by the number 2 buoy and we had light rain for about an hour.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Here We Go Again

Fished with Captain Daryl and Joe. Temperature this morning was in the lower 60's and when we quit fishing it was in the lower 70's. The wind was out of the southwest around 10 knots with waves about one foot. The water temp is 74 degrees. Started fishing on the Michigan/Ohio border with the guys from the marina and we caught only junk fish. Made a move towards the Toledo Lighthouse and set up and we caught little perch and junk fish. Made another move in this area and it did not help. Moved up the channel and fished by the second set of buoys from the Lighthouse and had he same results. Moved again past McDonald's half way to Sputnik and set up and again we had no fish. Went to an old perch spot north of Sputnik and we caught a couple of keeper perch so we moved again. Saw a pack of boats in the bay so we headed there and again small perch and junk fish. Made one last move to the #2 buoy off the Raisin River and we caught a few keeper perch. Fished all morning and made a lot of moves and we kept 11 perch. Something is not right. The season is winding down and we only have a few perch to show for it. We just might try walleye fishing next time out.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Tough Perch Fishing Again

Fished with Joe and Daryl. Temperature this morning was in the lower 60s and when we quit fishing it was in the lower 70s. The wind was light and variable and there were no waves. The water temp is 74 degrees. The plan was to fish at the number 1 buoy off the Raisin River but we changed our plans at the dock. The water was dirty when we left the harbor and when arrived at McDonald's it was still dirty. Caught nothing but small perch at McDonald's so we moved to the north of Sputnik. We would catch an occasional keeper perch but nothing to keep us in this location. Started moving around in this area and the catching did not improve. Made some moves to the east and fished some old perch spots and that did not help. After fishing for 3 1/2 hours we called it a day. Kept 15 perch on a day the lake was like glass.