Thursday, October 30, 2014

Almost a Cooler Full

Fished with Captain Dan. Temperature this morning was in the lower 30's so we waited until it warmed up before we went fishing. Temperature when we started fishing was in the lower 40's and when we quit fishing it was in the upper 40's. It's hard to believe but we took off our coats and were just wearing short sleeve shirts. The sun was out for most of the trip and it was beautiful on the lake. The wind was very light and there were no waves. We were just floating around the anchor for most of the trip. This is not good when your perch fishing. The water temp is 52 degrees. Started out fishing where we left off on the last trip and we were catching white perch. Made a move about 200 feet to the northeast and we started to catch some perch. The fish were not as large as the last trip but they were still nice fish. We stayed put and sorted through the fish to keep the larger ones. We thought we had close to a limit of fish but when we got done cleaning them we had 81 perch. It was just a perfect day to be on Lake Erie. At one time there was a pack of 22 boats about a 1/4 of mile east of us, and it's the end of October!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Cooler Full

Fished with Captain Dan. Temperature this morning was in the lower 30's so we waited for it to warm up before we went fishing. Temperature when we started fishing was in the middle 50's and when we quit fishing it was in the middle 70's, pretty nice for this time of year. The wind was out of the southeast 10 to 15 knots when we started to fish and after a couple of hours it switched to the south 10 to 15 knots. On the way out the waves were about 2 feet and when the wind switched the waves were less than a foot. The water temp is 51 degrees. Started fishing in front of the harbor with a couple of boats and we caught nothing. Moved out to 1 mile east of the 1 and 2 buoys on the Raisin River and set up. Caught a lot of white perch and silver bass. Made a couple of small moves in this area and we caught the same thing, white perch and silver bass. Dan decided to make one more small move in this area before we made a move to the buoys and it paid off. We were on the perch and it was non stop action. 99 percent of the fish we caught were perch and 95 percent of them were keepers. After a hour of catching perch we called it quits, the cooler was getting full. Kept 85 perch and only 9 of those were about 8 inches, the rest were 9 to 12 1/2 inches.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

The End Has Arrived

Fished with Joe and Daryl. Temperature this morning was in the upper 30's and when we quit fishing it was in the middle 50's. The wind was out of the northwest less than 10 knots with hardly any waves. After a couple hours of fishing we were wearing short sleeve shirts. That is how nice it felt. The water temp is 50 degrees and there is still a trace of algae in the water. Started fishing right in front of the marina with a couple of boats and we only caught small perch. Made a move to the S- Buoy and we caught a couple of small perch. Headed back to where we have been fishing and we started to catch some nice perch. The catching was slow so we would just make small moves in this area. Ended up keeping 40 pretty nice size perch. The boat is all cleaned up and put away for the winter. It's hard to believe how fast the fishing season went. Bought some fuel at the marina and it is still $5.09 a gallon. I paid $2.89 a gallon for fuel around the house yesterday, go figure.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Same Spot Different Results

Fished with Daryl. Temperature this morning was in the upper 40's and when we quit fishing it was in the middle 60's. The wind was light out of the northwest and there were hardly any waves. Just a nice day to be on the lake. The water temp is 56 Degrees. Went back to where we fished yesterday and we caught some fish but no jumbos. Made a few moves looking for the big fish but we could not find them today. Made a move to Huey's spot and caught nothing so we went back to where we started fishing. We would catch a nice perch every once in a while but the catching was slow. Saw a pack of boats south of the E-Buoy so we headed over there. Made a pass through the pack of boats and we never saw a person catch a fish so we went back to where we started. The catching was slow so after a couple of hours we headed in. Kept 20 perch and the season is coming to an end real soon.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Jumbo's Today

Fished with Joe and Daryl. Temperature this morning was in the middle 40's and when we quit fishing it was in the lower 60's. The wind in the morning was out of the south around 17 knots with waves under 2 feet. After a couple of hours the wind laid down and so did the waves. The water temp is 56 Degrees. Started fishing past the S-Buoy by the Michigan / Ohio border. The catching was slow but we were catching nice fish. Once the waves laid down the catching slowed down. We made a few small moves in this area and we ended up where we started. Saw a storm coming our way so we pulled lines and headed for the barn. Kept 30 perch with 6 of them over 13 inches and three of those were 14 inches. Haven't caught perch this large in 12 years. The big perch made the 11 1/2 inch perch look small! We also caught 3 small mouth bass between 18 and 20 inches. The girth on the bass was amazing.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Big Fish Little Fish

Fished with Joe. Temperature this morning was in the middle 40's and when we quit fishing it was in the upper 50's. The wind was out of the west 10 to 15 knots with waves about a foot. The water temp is 56 Degrees. It was a little cold in the morning but as the day went on it was pretty nice out. Started fishing by the S-Buoy and we picked up a couple of nice fish and then it shut down. Made a few moves in this area but no action. Made a move out to the Michigan/Ohio border and tried 3 spots there and we caught no fish. Went back to the first location and we caught one keeper perch. Made one last move 1 1/2 miles northeast of the E-Buoy and we started to catch some fish. Caught a lot of little perch but  we stayed put and sorted through them. Kept 26 perch for the trip. Guess who caught the big perch and who caught the little perch?