Wednesday, December 21, 2016

First Ice Fishing Trip of the Year

Fished with Joe on Lake St. Clair. Temperature this morning was in the upper teens and when we quit fishing it was in the upper 20's. We fished out of the Metro Park and we walked out from the Day Sail ramp. The ice is a good 6 inches thick and it's good hard ice. Visibility is only about a foot. The water is not dirty it's just cloudy and that should clear up pretty soon. We used wax worms tipped on small jigs and Slab Grabber spoons and Ken spoons. Started fishing in 8 feet of water without much luck. Made a move in closer to 6 1/2 feet of water and we were just set up and all four poles went down. We only landed one of those fish. After that the fishing was pretty slow. Only kept 2 perch for the trip that we gave away to some other fisherman on the ice. It felt good to be back on the ice again, I missed all of last year. Could not have made this trip without Joe, he did all the dirty work.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Perchin' in November

Fished with Captain Dan. Temperature this morning was in the middle 60's when we started fishing and it was in the middle 70's when we quit fishing. Never had a day of fishing in November with temps like this! The wind was out of the south west less than 5 knots and there was hardly a ripple on the lake. The water temp is 53 Degrees. We took our sweatshirts off pretty early and enjoyed the sunshine and perch fishing. Started fishing in front of the Edison stacks in 22 feet of water and we only caught one small perch. Made a move about 1/4 mile south east of the Raisin River buoys 1 and 2 and we found some fish. Stayed put here and we picked away at the perch. We had to do some sorting, but our game plan was to keep nothing under 9 inches. Kept 69 perch with the largest one's measuring 11 1/4 inches and we had a couple of perch that were 8 inches that swallowed the hooks. Just a beautiful fishing trip in November on Lake Erie!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Great Day Perchin'

Fished with Dan. Temperature this morning was in the lower 50's and when we quit fishing it was in the upper 60's. Again, the sun was out for the whole trip and it felt great on the water. We had our coats off by 9:30 am. There was no wind today so we had no waves, just a perfect day to be on Lake Erie. The water temp is 63 Degrees. It was a slow start this morning. The hi-lo driver showed up late and we had to buy some fuel before we went fishing. Finally, away we went. Headed back to the same spot we have been fishing the last week and there were 8 boats perch fishing in our area. We set up a little off our way point and only caught a few fish. After 20  minutes, we moved about 200 feet and started to catch some perch. Stayed put for the rest of the trip, sorting through the small fish and keeping nothing under 8 inches. Kept 100 perch. I decided to treat myself today and took the fish in to get cleaned. The 100 fish weighed 27 1/2 pounds. We both had a great day on the lake.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Little on the Bumpy Side

Fished with Joe and Daryl. Temperature this morning was in the upper 60's when we started fishing and it was in the lower 80's when we quit fishing. A little taste of summer during the fall. The wind was out of the south southwest 17 to 25 knots with waves 2 to 3 feet. Every once in a while a 4 footer would come by and that would get your attention. The water temp is 60 degrees. Went back to our same spot and the boat ride out was not too bad. Set up and we started picking away at the perch. It was a steady bite but you had to pay attention with the rough water. At 11.00 am we called it quits for the day. Surprisingly the boat ride back to port was not too bad either. Kept 117 perch with the largest one measuring 12 inches and one bonus walleye. With the southerly wind maybe we should have fished in the swamp but we survived. All's well that ends well.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Bit Slower Today

Fished with Captain Daryl and Joe. Temperature this morning was in the lower 40's when we started fishing and when we quit fishing it was in the lower 50's. The sun was out the whole time we were fishing so it felt pretty warm. The wind was out of the southwest for most of the trip with rolling waves about a foot. The water temp is 62 degrees. Went back to the same location and the fish were there but the bite was just steady. We were picking away at the perch until about 10:45 AM and then the catching just shut down. Around 11:30 the bite picked up again but we were getting ready to call it a day. Daryl put his boat to rest for the winter while Joe and I cleaned most of the fish. Got done cleaning the fish and we went to Trappers for a great perch dinner. Kept 89 perch and the largest one was 11 inches.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Another Good Day

Fished with Joe and Daryl. Temperature this morning was in the middle 50's and when we quit fishing it was in the lower 60's. Even though it was warmer today it felt a lot colder. The winds were out of the south around 15 knots with two foot waves. When we were about done fishing the sun came out and the lake laid down to one foot waves and then it started to warm up. The water temp is 62 degrees. Started fishing where we left off yesterday and the catching was even better. We were on the fish pretty quick and we were catching bigger perch. Biggest perch today was 12 1/2 inches and we had a lot of fish over 10 inches. Kept 150 perch and this was one of our best perch fishing trips in a long time. Had all the fish cleaned with plenty of time for Daryl to make his dentist appointment.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Found Some Nice Perch

Fished with Joe and Daryl. Temperature this morning was in the lower 40's and when we quit fishing it was in the middle 50's. It actually felt pretty nice out because the sun was shining for the whole trip. The wind was mostly out of the east less than 12 knots with waves between 1 and 2 feet. The water temp is 62 degrees. When we left port we headed back to the swamp. The water was pretty dirty but we tried fishing anyways. We fished for about 15 minutes and then we pulled anchor and headed to a spot we fished about 4 weeks ago, about 1 mile east of the E-Buoy, We set up here and the catching was slow. The fish would come through in waves but at least we were on some perch in cleaner water. It did not take too long for the fish to turn on and once they did it was game on. Caught the nicest catch of the season as far as size. Kept 135 perch and we only caught one silver bass. The largest perch was 11 1/4 inches.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Back at it Again

Fished Captain Daryl and Joe. Temperature this morning was in the lower 60's when we started fishing and it was in the lower 70's when we quit fishing. The wind was out of the southeast for most of the trip less than 10 knots. The waves were between 1 and 2 feet when we started and after a hour they were less than a foot. The water temp is 65 degrees. Headed back to the same spot as yesterday and the catching was pretty slow. Made a couple of moves in this area with out much luck. Made a move towards the middle of the swamp and we found some perch. Spent the rest of the morning here picking away at the perch. Caught a few larger perch today but over all the size was about the same as yesterday. Kept 78 perch with the largest one about 11 inches. The water was a tad bit dirtier than yesterday after the east winds last night.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Fishing after the Big Rain Storm

Fished with Joe and Daryl. Temperature this morning was in the upper 50's when we started fishing and when we were done fishing it was in the lower 60's. The wind was mostly out of the west less than 6 knots without any waves. The water temp is 66 degrees. Just last week the water temp was 75 degrees. The fog was very thick which made for a long and slow boat ride into the swamp. The water was pretty clean after all the rain we had for the last 4 days. Started to catch a few fish right out of the gate and then it slowed down. The perch would be there for a little while and then gone. Made a small move of about 200 feet to the south and we were back on some active fish again. Caught all perch today but the size was not very good. Biggest fish was just under 10 inches. Kept 93 perch.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Short Trip

Fished with Joe. Temperature this morning was in the upper 50's when we started fishing and when we quit fishing it was in the lower 50's. The wind was out of the south southeast around 10 knots when we started and when we quit fishing the wind was out of the southeast at 25 knots. The waves went from 1 foot to about 4 foot in less than 5 minutes. The water temp is 68 degrees. Headed back to the swamp and set up where we have been fishing. We put our rain gear on before we left port knowing it was going to rain, we had no idea about the wind. Had a nice boat ride into the swamp and set the anchor to start fishing. We got to fish for a couple of minutes and then the waves were too large to be out perch fishing. The fish were snapping at the baits but we had to pull the anchor and come back to port. It was a tough boat ride back to the harbor even though the waves were off the starboard stern. Kept 6 perch and threw back about 5 perch. Since we were back at port so early we changed the out drive oil and the engine oil. Had to borrow a screw driver from Huey to change the out drive oil and we put it back in his boat when we were done. The fishing season is coming to an end real soon.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Back in the Swamp Again

Fished with Captain Daryl and Mark. Temperature this morning was in the middle 60's and when we quit fishing it was in the lower 80's. The wind was mostly out of the southwest less than 10 knots with just a little ripple on the lake. The water temp is 75 degrees. We headed back to where we left off on the last trip and we were on the fish right out of the gate. Had to do a little more sorting today but the fish were about the same size as the last trip. Every so often on the starboard side of the boat the bite would just flat out quit but the port side stayed busy.  Tried the shiners that we froze from the last trip and they worked out just great. We just might have a new way to preserve our bait. It was a good thing that we had them today otherwise we would have ran out of bait. Kept 99 perch today.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Perfect Day on Lake Erie

Fished with Joe and Daryl. Temperature this morning was in the lower 60's and when we quit fishing it was in the upper 70's. The water temp is 74 degrees. The wind was light and variable with no waves. The only problem we had was that we were drifting around the anchor. We would be on the fish and then off the fish. Just a perfect day on Lake Erie. Made our first trip into the swamp this year and it did not disappoint. Set up on our first spot and Joe caught a double right out of the gate and then it slowed down. Moved about 100 feet and we started catching fish again. It was not fast and furious but enough steady action to keep us put. If we had a little breeze we would have stayed on the fish better. Had to do a little sorting but it was not too bad. Kept 106 perch and the largest was 11 inches. The size of the perch are starting to get a little larger. Learned a new way to preserve shiners, will see how it works out.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Pretty Good Day Perch'in

Fished with Joe. Temperature this morning was in the upper 50's and when we quit fishing it was in the lower 70's. The wind was out of the southeast less than 10 knots with waves around a foot. The water temp is 72 degrees. We planned on fishing by the Turn Around buoy but on the way out there Joe saw a pack of boats by the shipping channel around buoys 5 and 6. We headed out there and set up and we never had to move. We had to do a lot of sorting but we were able to catch our limit of perch. The minnow situation is not getting any better. We had nice shiners today but the count was not very good. From here on out we are going to salt our left over minnows for the next trip. Kept 64 perch and the largest was 10 1/2 inches.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Trout Fishing- A Little Late

Fished with Joe and John on the Boardman River. Left on Sunday and came home on Wednesday. We could not make it for the opening day of trout fishing because of my shoulder so we went now. It rained all day Saturday up north so the rivers were pretty high for this time of year. We fished all of our usual spots and the catching was tough. This is only our third year fishing the Boardman River and we only caught Brown Trout the previous two years. This trip we caught a lot of little Brook Trout and had two keeper Brookies. We used shiners, worms and spinner blades and they all caught fish but the worms caught most of the fish. Joe caught big fish on Monday and big fish on Tuesday so that made him the Trout King for 2016. We kept six fish for the trip and the biggest was a 10 3/4 inch Brown Trout.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Tough Day Perchin

Fished With Joe. Temperature this morning was in the lower 70's and when we quit fishing it was in the lower 90's. And it's September, holy crap. The wind was out of the south less than 10 knots with waves less than a foot. The water temp is 77 degrees. Had a tough time buying minnows today and we wound up with mud minnows and we were lucky to get those. Not our favorite choice. When we arrived at the marina there were already 3 boats waiting to get launched before us and no hi lo driver. To make matters worse there were 3 boats in the slips that had to be put away. And the icing on the cake was the hilo would not start once the driver showed up. After we got through that mess we were getting ready to leave the dock when one of the guys from the marina came up to us and said he had the perfect hot spot from a couple of days ago. Could not pass that up so we waited for him to follow him out to that spot. We fished there for about a half hour with a couple of moves and we only caught one perch. Made a move towards Sputnik and we stopped short about 4 miles and set up. Started to catch some perch but the catching was slow and the size was not very good. We stayed put and just picked away at the perch. Kept 48 perch.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Nice Steady Bite

Fished with Captain Daryl and Mark. Temperature this morning was in the upper 50's and when we quit fishing it was in the middle 70's. The wind was light out of the south for most of the trip with waves less than a foot. The water temp is 75 degrees. We set up where we fished last Tuesday, which is just past the dumping grounds on the Michigan/Ohio border and we never had to move. The bite was good right out of the gate and it only slowed down the last 1/2 hour of fishing. Kept 110 perch about the same size we have been catching all week. Not too much to report. We had good bait, nice lake conditions and the fish were active today.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Trappers for Lunch

Fished with Joe and Dan C. Temperature this morning was in the upper 60's and when we quit fishing it was in the lower 80's. The wind was out of the south less than 10 knots with waves less than a foot. The water temp is 78 degrees. Our game plan to was to catch some perch and go to Trapper's for lunch. Started off fishing where we left off on Sunday. The catching was not very good so we made a small move here with out any luck. Moved over to the Raisin River buoys 1 and 2 and we were just picking away at the perch. I was beginning to think that we were going to have hamburgers for lunch.  Once we had enough perch for lunch we pulled the anchor and started heading for the E-Buoy to finish out the day but I stopped at an old way point on the way to try out. We finally found some perch so we spent the rest of the trip here picking away at them. Kept 48 perch and the size was almost like last Sunday's catch. Got those fished cleaned up and we headed to Trapper's for some Turtle soup and all you can eat perch dinner.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

First Perch Trip of the Year

Fished with Joe and Daryl. Temperature this morning was in the lower 70's and when we quit fishing it was in the upper 80's. Pretty hot for this time of year. The water is a little dirty from all the storms the last couple of weeks. The wind was light out of the southwest less than 10 knots, with waves less than a foot. The water temp is 76 Degrees. Started fishing just past the Michigan dumping grounds in 21 feet of water and we never moved. The catching was just steady and we were not catching very large fish, but I did not feel like chasing perch today. We kept 81 perch and had a lot of throw backs. Most of the perch were just over eight inches and we only had a few over 10 inches. You know the catching is tough when you have to measure most of the fish before they go into the cooler. After we were done cleaning the fish the alarms went off and there was a tornado warning for Monroe County. Luckily we missed all of that. I actually fished today and it felt good. When we pulled the anchor we caught another anchor that had been in the lake for a while. Daryl was not too happy bringing in two anchors at once but he survived.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Salmon Fishing 2016 - Manistee, Mi.

Fished with Joe and John in Manistee, Mi. We fished from 8-13 to 8-19. The reports we received just two weeks prior to us leaving were not very encouraging. Most of the boats out fishing were targeting Lake Trout and we do not fish for them. The week before we left a large pod of salmon arrived on the east coast of Lake Michigan and the boats started to go after salmon again. There was a large pod of fish off Big Sable Point. We had a temperature break the whole week we fished, anywhere between 50 and 70 feet down.

 Our first day of fishing was cancelled because of the waves. Sunday the lake was in great shape so we headed south and fished around the 9 and 10 line. We were 2 for 3 in the morning and 1 for 1 in the afternoon. We caught our largest fish of the week on the afternoon trip, a 22 lb King. Monday we stayed south and we picked up 2 fish in the morning and 3 in the afternoon. Tuesday the lake was pretty flat so we made the ride down to Big Sable Point, about 14 miles one way. We had our best trip where we landed 6 fish. In the afternoon we fished a little south and only caught 1 fish. Wednesday morning was a blow session so I worked on the boat. In the evening we fished south again at the 10 line and went 2 for 5. Not good. Thursday morning the lake was calm again so we made the ride down to Big Sable Point and we picked up 5 fish. In the afternoon we fished at the 9 line and caught 1 fish. Friday morning we fished at the 9 line again and we caught 1 fish. We were watching a large storm coming across the lake and when it got to the Michigan border we pulled lines and headed for port. Friday evening was cancelled because of the waves. We saw some large salmon at the cleaning station with the largest one weighing 28 lb.

We lost the auto pilot for the boat before our first trip. Called Garmin on Monday morning and after about 10 phone calls they over nighted a new ECU. That arrived on Tuesday around lunch time. Installed the new ECU for the afternoon trip and we tried to use it but the unit would not work. Called Garmin again on Wednesday morning and they said to try and hot wire the pump and see what happens. Nothing happened so I called them back and they said the pump was bad also, so we spent the week with no auto pilot. Also had a malfunction with the raw water wash down that was leaking at the pump. Tried to fix that but was not able to. And now the bilge pump. I installed a new pump before we left for salmon fishing and tried it at home and everything worked. We get up north and the pump would stick in the "on" position. Spent 2 days fighting with that and finally had to remove the bracket from the bilge and just let the pump lay in the bilge for the rest of the trip. As for me, I did not catch any fish, still recovering from surgery. Could not have made this trip without the help of the guys and I would like to thank them.

The Tally for the Week
We hooked 30 fish and landed 24 of them which gave us a catch rate of  80 %, which is pretty good. We lost one fish at the net, one broke the teaser on the meat rig, one broke the line and the rest just got off. We trolled for 29.75 hours and landed 24 fish which gave us a catch rate of .80 fish per hour. We would like to average one fish per hour. Of the 13 sessions we could have gone fishing we made it out 10 times. A couple of those times the waves were 2 to 4 feet and we could have gone out but we decided against it. The 24 fish weighed 307 lb. for an average weight of 12.8 lb. per fish. The largest fish was 22 lb. and the smallest was 4.5 lb. We had 3 fish over 20 lb. 

Below is a List of Lures That Had Hits
  • Moonshine Bloody Nose fly......................................5
  • Silver Horde-Green...................................................5
  • John King-John Jay meat rig....................................5
  • Silver Streak-Blue Dolphin........................................4
  • John King-Ghostbuster spoon...................................3
  • Silver Horde-Gray Ghost............................................3
  • John King-Black Mamba with Moo Moo head.............3
  • Green meat rig............................................................1
  • Blue meat rig..............................................................1

That's it for 2016 Salmon Fishing!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Tough Day Walleye Fishing

Fished with Daryl. Temperature this morning was in the lower 70's when we started fishing and it was in the lower 80's when we quit fishing. The wind was out of the west switching to the southwest less than 8 knots with just a light chop on the water. The water temp is 79 degrees. Started fishing by the Water Intake (41 43 350 / 083 14 250) and trolling east with wiggle warts set at 70 and 90 feet behind the boards. We were catching a lot of short walleye and then we finally caught a keeper off the 80 foot set up. Switched the longer leads to 75 feet but we were still catching a lot of junk fish. Daryl put out a couple of large dipsy's with bomber As set at 25 feet back and they started to catch some walleye. We were just picking away at the walleye until the sun started getting above us and then the catching just shut down. The last two hours of the trip we did not box any walleye. Caught a lot of walleye between 13 1/2 and 14 inches. Have not seen this size walleye for a couple of months. Kept 6 walleye and two of those were just 15 inches. It might be time to start perch fishing unless the walleye decide to move back to Michigan waters.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Still Fishing in Close

Fished with Captain Daryl and Mark. Temperature this morning was in the lower 70's and when we quit fishing it was in the upper 70's. The wind was out of the west any where between 15 to 24 knots. When we were fishing in tight the waves were less than six inches and the one time we got out to 15 feet of water the waves were just over a foot. The water temp is 77 degrees. Started fishing right in front of the marina trolling with wiggle warts set at 40 feet behind the boards heading towards the swamp. We did not catch our first walleye until we were in the swamp. Stayed around the 11 foot range and we picked up one ticket of fish. Made a move out to 14 feet of water and we would pick up an occasional walleye. Set one side of the boat to 50 feet back and that helped a little bit. Made one more move to 55 feet behind the boards and that was the ticket. Kept 14 walleye and only had about 10 short walleye that we put back. Caught about a half dozen sheep head, half dozen silver bass and one little muskie.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Lake Erie at It's Best

Fished with Captain Daryl, Mark and Joe. Temperature this morning was in the lower 70's and when we quit fishing it was in the upper 70's. The wind was out of the southeast around 10 knots when we started fishing and backed down to around 5 knots after a hour into the trip. The waves were about a foot when we started and laid down to less than 6 inches. A great day to be on Lake Erie. The water temp is 76 Degrees. Started fishing in the swamp up close to Woodtick Peninsula trolling towards the 3 stacks with wiggle warts set at 50 feet and 40 feet behind the boards. We were on the fish right out of the gate but most of the fish were caught off the 40 foot set up so we switched both sides to 40 feet. We caught the first 9 walleye pretty quick and then it shut down. We thought the calm water shut the fishing down. We were deciding where to move to and before too long we were back on the fish again in 12 feet of water. We just stayed put and punched our 4 tickets. Kept 24 walleye and one perch. Had about 16 short walleye and a couple sheep head that we put back. Our game plan was to take two boats fishing today but my shoulder was not very good this morning so we fished with Captain Daryl aboard the Lucky Strike with his new auto pilot, and boy is it nice!

Friday, July 1, 2016

The Wind Was Snapping Today

Fished with Joe and Dan. Temperature this morning was in the upper 60's and when we quit fishing it was in the lower 70's. The forecast was for the rain to stop early in the morning with the wind blowing out of the southwest 10 to 15 knots. When we arrived at the marina the rain was almost over ( we never got wet ) and the wind was out of the southwest about 10 knots. It did not take too long before the wind was up to 20 knots and at one point it got up to 24 knots. Not the day we planned for. The water temp is 74 Degrees. Started fishing in the swamp with wiggle warts set at 50 feet back and we had two nice walleye on right out of the gate and then it slowed down. We reset the lines to 40 foot leads and we were back to catching fish. Things were going good until the wind started blowing hard again. Even though we were fishing in the swamp we had waves between 1 and 2 feet for about a half hour. Once the wind backed off a little we were catching fish again. We were averaging about 3 short walleye for every keeper walleye. Kept 18 walleye and I think Dan caught the biggest one. Caught about a dozen white perch also.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Another Nice Day on the Lake

Fished with Joe and Daryl. Temperature this morning was in the upper 50's when we started fishing and when we quit fishing it was in the mid 70's. The wind was out of the north northwest 10 knots and less with waves less than a foot. The water temp is 74 degrees. Started fishing just short of the c-buoy trolling towards the s-buoy. The only thing that we caught were weeds so we moved in shallower and we got away from the weeds and started to catch some fish. The only problem was we were catching a lot of white perch, silver bass and short walleye. We stayed in this area (41 48 100 / 083 23 900) and sorted through the fish to get our 18 walleye. Most of the walleye that we kept were just 15 inches.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

It Was a Buggy Day

Fished with Joe, Daryl could not make it again. Temperature this morning was in the lower 60's when we started fishing and it was in the upper 70's when we quit fishing. The wind was less than 5 knots out of the east and there were no waves. But there sure was a lot of tiny bugs, enough to almost to drive you crazy. The water temp is 73 degrees. Started fishing right in front of the harbor in 14 feet of water and we were catching fish right out of the gate. We were trolling wiggle warts 75 feet behind the boards. Between swatting the bugs and catching a lot of short walleye we were very busy. Kept 12 walleye between 15 and 18 inches, lost count on how many short walleye we put back and only caught 1 silver bass. When we got back to the marina we had to stop at the gas dock and wash off all the bugs in and on the boat. That's Joe holding a 8 inch walleye. This time next year it will be 15 inches and legal to keep.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

It Was a Short Day

Fished with Joe, Daryl had to cancel. Temperature this morning was in the lower 60's and when we quit fishing it was in the middle 70's. The wind was out of the southwest around 10 knots when we started fishing and then it laid down to almost nothing. There was hardly any waves. The water temp is 71 degrees. Started fishing at (41 48 800 / 083 20 100) with wiggle warts set at 75 feet back on one side of the boat and 65 feet on the other side. The first two fish we caught were sheep head and from then on it was all walleye. We moved the one side of the boat to 75 feet back because that was the most productive side. We had to sort through a lot of short walleye but after it was all done it was a short trip. Kept 12 walleye between 15 and 22 inches, put back 27 short walleye ( between 8 and 14 3/4 inches ) and two sheep head. We had to wait for the gas dock to open this morning to fuel up but we were back to the harbor in a very short time.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Fishing with the Fish Flys

Fished with Daryl on fathers day. Temperature this morning was in the middle 60's and when we quit fishing it was in the middle 80's and getting hotter. The wind in the morning was out of the southwest about 10 knots with waves just over a foot and then the wind started to switch and the waves were less than a foot. The water temp is 70 degrees. Started fishing were we left off yesterday and we were only catching short walleye. We had mini disk and spoons set at 100 feet back and jet 40 and spoons set at 75 feet back. Started to head towards Middle Sister Island with the waves and we would catch an occasional walleye but nothing to keep us in one spot. Started to switch lead lengths but nothing really worded for us. We just motored around looking for some walleye but we had no luck. The one good thing was there were no little bugs today, just a large fish fly hatch to deal with. Kept 5 walleye, had 5 short walleye that were put back along with 4 sheep head.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

The Mayfly's are Hatching.

Fished with Joe. Temperature this morning was in the lower 60's when we started fishing and it was in the lower 80's when we quit fishing. The wind was light and variable with just a little chop on the lake. The water temp is 69 degrees. Started fishing on the southeast side of the dump trolling wiggle warts set at 65 feet back and mini dipsy's and spoons set at 75 feet back. We were marking some fish but had no takers. The lake was full of fish fly carcasses that we had to remove off the lines every ten minutes and there was also a hatch of small bugs, a lot of small bugs. We finally pulled lines and headed out into Ohio waters. We set up at 41 48 000 / 083 08 100 with jet 40's and spoons set at 75 feet back and mini disk and spoons set at 100 feet back. We finally found some fish but we were running out of time. Fished here for a little while and we kept 6 walleye, had five short walleye that we put back and two large sheep head. The day turned out really nice once we got away from the bugs.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Fish Are on the Move

Fished with Joe. Temperature when we started fishing was in the lower 70's and when we quit fishing it was in the middle 70's. The water temp is 66 degrees. The wind was out of the southwest very light when we started fishing and it turned to the east less than 10 knots towards the end of the trip with waves about a foot. We went fishing after Joe had his dentist appointment and I had therapy and a doctors appointment, different going fishing this late in the day. Got a report from Daryl that the fish were just the other side of the channel half way between McDonald's and Sputnik. We set up here (41 48 700 / 083 12 500) with mini dipsy's and spoons set at 75 feet behind the boards. It did not take very long and we were into the fish. The catching was steady and we were catching all walleye. Everything was going great until we needed one more fish to finish our day. We spent over a hour trying to catch the last walleye, very frustrating. Kept 12 walleye, had 8 shorts that we put back and we only had two silver bass.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Still Fishing in Shallow

Fished with Captain Daryl and Mark. Temperature this morning was in the upper 60's when we started fishing and it was in the upper 70's when we quit. The water temp is 64 degrees. The wind was out of the north northwest less than 10 knots with waves less than a foot. Just a beautiful day to be on the lake. Started fishing by the S buoy trolling junior thunder sticks set at 65 and 85 feet behind the boards. Started catching some fish off the 85 feet set up so we switched both sides to 85 feet. Caught the first four fish pretty quick and then it slowed down. Started trolling towards Turtle Island and we started catching some more walleye but we also caught a lot of short walleye. We stayed in this area sorting threw the small walleye and a few silver bass. We lost count on how many short walleye we put back but it was close to 30, any where between 8 and 14 3/4 inches. Kept 12 walleye for the trip and we are having a fresh walleye dinner tonight.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Memorial Weekend Trip

Fished with Joe and Dan. Temperature this morning was in the lower 70's and when we quit fishing it was in the lower 80's. The water temp is 63 Degrees. The wind was out of the southwest for most of the trip, less than 10 knots and there was just a little chop on the lake. Started fishing by the S- buoy trolling about 2.2 MPH with thunder sticks 65 feet behind the boards. Caught 4 quick walleye and lost one behind the boat and then they just shut down. Made four more passes through the same area and we did not catch a keeper walleye. Started trolling towards Turtle Island (41 46 925 / 083 21 900 ) and we found some active fish again. We stayed in this area and caught the rest of our fish. Kept 18 walleye, caught and released 16 short walleye ( between 10 and 14 1/2 inches ) and only caught about a dozen silver bass. Joe and I worked on the boat last week replacing the power assist unit and everything worked great today.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Good Day of Fishing

Fished with Captain Daryl and Joe. Temperature this morning was in the lower 50's and when we quit fishing it was in the middle 70's. The water temp is 53 degrees. The wind was out of the north very light when we started and switched to the east about 12 knots with waves around a foot. Started fishing at the S buoy trolling towards Turtle Island. We did not get very far and we ran into dirty water. Turned around and headed back towards the S buoy trolling junior thunder sticks 80 and 100 feet back. We would catch a walleye every once in a while, just enough to keep us in the area. Both sides caught fish so we left things the way they were for the whole trip. We caught 7 small walleye between 10 and 14 1/2 inches that we put back and we caught very few silver bass, which made everyone happy. Kept 10 walleye for the trip.

Friday, May 20, 2016

First Trip Out On The Birdnest This Year

Fished with Joe and Daryl. Temperature this morning was in the lower 50's and when we quit fishing it was in lower 60's. The water temp is 52 degrees. The wind was out of the east about 7 knots when we started fishing and picked up to about 14 knots when we quit. There was a small chop on the lake when we started and when we quit fishing the waves were 1 to 2 feet. Started fishing the humps on the dumping ground trolling junior thunder sticks set at 55 and 65 feet back. Caught silver bass, not just a few silver bass but a lot of them. Made the move close to Turtle Island fishing in Michigan waters. There was a mud line there so we tried to fish the edge of it. When we first set up we caught a walleye and then we had a long dry spell. Change the length of the leads to 80 and 90 feet but the catching was very tough. Kept 3 walleye and we caught a ton of silver bass, Joe even caught two on one lure.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

First Trip of The Year

Fished with Captain Daryl and Tom. Temperature this morning was in the lower 50's and when we quit fishing it was in the upper 50's. The water temp is 53 degrees. When we started fishing the wind was out of the southwest about 10 knots with waves less than a foot. The wind did a slow switch to the east and we went from a flat lake to waves about one foot when we quit fishing. Started fishing at the S-buoy trolling towards the E-buoy with Thunder Sticks set at 55 feet on one side of the boat and 65 feet on the other side of the boat. Made the pass through the dumping grounds and we caught no fish so we pulled lines and headed to the edge of the swamp. Set up here with worms and bottom bouncers set at 40 and 45 feet behind the boards. Trolled around here trying to find some fish and we finally caught a walleye (41 47 350 / 083 23 400) off the 45 foot side with a plastic worm. Couple of minutes later we had another walleye off the 45 foot side with a plastic worm. Made about 4 passes through this area and had no more luck. By this time the wind was out of the east with one foot waves. Switched to wiggle warts and we caught one more walleye and then we called it a day. Went to Trappers and had a walleye dinner and everyone was happy.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Trout Fishing 2016

Opening day of trout fishing had us fishing at Spring Mill Pond. I watched Joe and John fish. We have been going up north for the opening day of trout fishing and had a trout camp since 1980. Camping on the river, catching and eating fish and having a great time. This year I tore the rotator cuff in my right shoulder (twice), so going up north was out of the question. We decided to stay local and do a one day trip close to home. Temperature this morning was in the lower 40's with the wind out of the northeast about 10 knots. They used wax worms and shiners casting out into the lake with a bobber. We fished the west side of the lake and the catching was pretty slow. Caught some small bluegill and a couple of bass that we put back. Joe finally caught the only trout of the day and it was a nice one. It was a 19 inch brown trout. We went back to John's house, cleaned the fish and had corn, potatoes and grilled trout for dinner. It's not the same as our usual trout camp but at least we made it fishing together. And yes, Joe is the Trout King for 2016 with the 19 inch brown trout.