Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Another Nice Day on the Lake

Fished with Joe and Daryl. Temperature this morning was in the upper 50's when we started fishing and when we quit fishing it was in the mid 70's. The wind was out of the north northwest 10 knots and less with waves less than a foot. The water temp is 74 degrees. Started fishing just short of the c-buoy trolling towards the s-buoy. The only thing that we caught were weeds so we moved in shallower and we got away from the weeds and started to catch some fish. The only problem was we were catching a lot of white perch, silver bass and short walleye. We stayed in this area (41 48 100 / 083 23 900) and sorted through the fish to get our 18 walleye. Most of the walleye that we kept were just 15 inches.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

It Was a Buggy Day

Fished with Joe, Daryl could not make it again. Temperature this morning was in the lower 60's when we started fishing and it was in the upper 70's when we quit fishing. The wind was less than 5 knots out of the east and there were no waves. But there sure was a lot of tiny bugs, enough to almost to drive you crazy. The water temp is 73 degrees. Started fishing right in front of the harbor in 14 feet of water and we were catching fish right out of the gate. We were trolling wiggle warts 75 feet behind the boards. Between swatting the bugs and catching a lot of short walleye we were very busy. Kept 12 walleye between 15 and 18 inches, lost count on how many short walleye we put back and only caught 1 silver bass. When we got back to the marina we had to stop at the gas dock and wash off all the bugs in and on the boat. That's Joe holding a 8 inch walleye. This time next year it will be 15 inches and legal to keep.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

It Was a Short Day

Fished with Joe, Daryl had to cancel. Temperature this morning was in the lower 60's and when we quit fishing it was in the middle 70's. The wind was out of the southwest around 10 knots when we started fishing and then it laid down to almost nothing. There was hardly any waves. The water temp is 71 degrees. Started fishing at (41 48 800 / 083 20 100) with wiggle warts set at 75 feet back on one side of the boat and 65 feet on the other side. The first two fish we caught were sheep head and from then on it was all walleye. We moved the one side of the boat to 75 feet back because that was the most productive side. We had to sort through a lot of short walleye but after it was all done it was a short trip. Kept 12 walleye between 15 and 22 inches, put back 27 short walleye ( between 8 and 14 3/4 inches ) and two sheep head. We had to wait for the gas dock to open this morning to fuel up but we were back to the harbor in a very short time.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Fishing with the Fish Flys

Fished with Daryl on fathers day. Temperature this morning was in the middle 60's and when we quit fishing it was in the middle 80's and getting hotter. The wind in the morning was out of the southwest about 10 knots with waves just over a foot and then the wind started to switch and the waves were less than a foot. The water temp is 70 degrees. Started fishing were we left off yesterday and we were only catching short walleye. We had mini disk and spoons set at 100 feet back and jet 40 and spoons set at 75 feet back. Started to head towards Middle Sister Island with the waves and we would catch an occasional walleye but nothing to keep us in one spot. Started to switch lead lengths but nothing really worded for us. We just motored around looking for some walleye but we had no luck. The one good thing was there were no little bugs today, just a large fish fly hatch to deal with. Kept 5 walleye, had 5 short walleye that were put back along with 4 sheep head.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

The Mayfly's are Hatching.

Fished with Joe. Temperature this morning was in the lower 60's when we started fishing and it was in the lower 80's when we quit fishing. The wind was light and variable with just a little chop on the lake. The water temp is 69 degrees. Started fishing on the southeast side of the dump trolling wiggle warts set at 65 feet back and mini dipsy's and spoons set at 75 feet back. We were marking some fish but had no takers. The lake was full of fish fly carcasses that we had to remove off the lines every ten minutes and there was also a hatch of small bugs, a lot of small bugs. We finally pulled lines and headed out into Ohio waters. We set up at 41 48 000 / 083 08 100 with jet 40's and spoons set at 75 feet back and mini disk and spoons set at 100 feet back. We finally found some fish but we were running out of time. Fished here for a little while and we kept 6 walleye, had five short walleye that we put back and two large sheep head. The day turned out really nice once we got away from the bugs.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Fish Are on the Move

Fished with Joe. Temperature when we started fishing was in the lower 70's and when we quit fishing it was in the middle 70's. The water temp is 66 degrees. The wind was out of the southwest very light when we started fishing and it turned to the east less than 10 knots towards the end of the trip with waves about a foot. We went fishing after Joe had his dentist appointment and I had therapy and a doctors appointment, different going fishing this late in the day. Got a report from Daryl that the fish were just the other side of the channel half way between McDonald's and Sputnik. We set up here (41 48 700 / 083 12 500) with mini dipsy's and spoons set at 75 feet behind the boards. It did not take very long and we were into the fish. The catching was steady and we were catching all walleye. Everything was going great until we needed one more fish to finish our day. We spent over a hour trying to catch the last walleye, very frustrating. Kept 12 walleye, had 8 shorts that we put back and we only had two silver bass.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Still Fishing in Shallow

Fished with Captain Daryl and Mark. Temperature this morning was in the upper 60's when we started fishing and it was in the upper 70's when we quit. The water temp is 64 degrees. The wind was out of the north northwest less than 10 knots with waves less than a foot. Just a beautiful day to be on the lake. Started fishing by the S buoy trolling junior thunder sticks set at 65 and 85 feet behind the boards. Started catching some fish off the 85 feet set up so we switched both sides to 85 feet. Caught the first four fish pretty quick and then it slowed down. Started trolling towards Turtle Island and we started catching some more walleye but we also caught a lot of short walleye. We stayed in this area sorting threw the small walleye and a few silver bass. We lost count on how many short walleye we put back but it was close to 30, any where between 8 and 14 3/4 inches. Kept 12 walleye for the trip and we are having a fresh walleye dinner tonight.