Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Fishing Again and it Feels Great

Fished with Joe. We drove down separate again, that's how it's going to be for this year. We set up in the same area as the last trip and the fishing was a little slower. We had to change our trolling direction, had to troll from the C buoy to the S buoy to catch our fish. We used bandits again this trip with the same set up as the last trip. We caught mostly walleye today. Kept 12 walleye for the trip. So far this year is pretty good for fishing.

Monday, May 25, 2020

First Trip with a Fishing Partner

Fished with Joe. Because of the Covid thing we decided it would be best if we both drove down to the marina. Trying to stay safe in a crazy time. Our game plan is to practice social distancing by staying on our own side of the boat and staying apart from each other the best we could. After it was all said and done it all worked out really good. This is how we are going to fish from now on. We started fishing by the C buoy trolling bandits 50 feet back heading towards the N buoy. We started catching some fish and all was well until we got too close to the N buoy. There was a large pod of sheep head by the N buoy and almost every pole had a sheep head on it. Once we were turned around and heading towards the C buoy we were back into the walleye. Turned out to be a fun day. Kept 12 walleye.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Maiden Voyage, The Year of Covid19

This year the marina opened late in the year because of Covid19.  Went down to the boat today and got it ready to go fishing. Everything went very well so I decided to go fishing and make sure all the equipment was working on the boat. Had a problem with the auto pilot, it would not keep the boat in a straight line. Once I figured out the problem I did a quick fix on the water and all was well. Started fishing by the E buoy trolling bandits set at 50 feet back. Was not too worried about catching any fish but I caught the first walleye of the year. Trolled around this spot for a little while and I caught my limit. A good start to the year. Not sure how this Covid thing is going to play out.