Friday, September 11, 2009

09-11-09, Busy Day On The Water

Fished with Daryl. Temperature this morning was in the upper 50s and when we quit fishing it was in the lower 70s. The wind was out of the southeast rotating to the east less than 7 knots. The waves were less than 6 inches and the water temp is 69 degrees. The algae bloom was pretty bad within the first 4 miles leaving the harbor but we were heading out to our hot spot so it did not matter for us. Our fishing spot is 2 1/2 miles north of the shipping channel. We were just fishing having a good time when we noticed this ship coming towards us. We were way out of the channel so we thought we were OK. As the ship was approaching us we noticed she left the channel and was taking a short cut to the Raisin River Channel and we were in her way. Most of the boats left the area because they were in its path but we stayed put. I cannot believe that this ship was going to drive through a small pack of boats perch fishing to make her route a little bit shorter but she sure did. The ship passed within 75 feet of us, close enough to throw a rock and hit it. Unbelievable. After it passed you could see where it was churning up the bottom from all the muddy water behind it. Anyways, we were fishing and the catching was pretty slow. Made 4 moves but we stayed in the general area. The talk on the radio was that fishing was very slow, so we did not bother to move too far. On the way back to the harbor we were pulled over by the United States Border Patrol. They were just wondering where we were headed and where we came from, must of been 9-11 related. Talked to them for about 5 minutes and away we went. Kept 35 perch today between 8 and 13 inches but most of the fish were 8 1/2 inches.

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