Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fast and Furious

So far the weather has been terrible. Yesterday was a total waste, waves 4 to 6 feet and no end in site for better weather. Woke up this morning and the forecast was for strong winds out of the northwest, well they were wrong again. The temperature this morning was in the lower 50s and when we quit fishing it was in the lower 70s. The wind was out of the north at 10 knots and by the time we quit fishing it was out of the west at 5 knots. We ran meat rigs off the dipsy's set at 125 to 185 back and flashers and squids off the riggers anywhere between 50 and 75 down. Caught one fish off a splatter back (green) at 55 feet down and 40 feet back. The fishing was very good for about 1 hour and then the bite just shut down. Went 5 for 5 today and all the fish were kings.


Anonymous said...

From Karen: Nice photo of you guys!

Anonymous said...

Hey Dougie....if you want some good fish...try going to Meijers and buying it. You don't need a boat, you won't have to put gas in it, you won't have any marina fee's...sounds so easy to me. But what do I know???

Your land-lover friend...
Dave "knock all ten down" J.