Monday, August 15, 2011

Flat as a Pancake

Fished with Joe and John. Temperature this morning was in  the lower 60s and when we quit fishing it was in the middle 70s. There was no wind this morning so the lake was flat. Started fishing south of the harbor in 40 to70 feet of water. Had a few releases, but no fish. Made a move out to deeper water (100 to140) and we started to catch some fish. The water temp is in the top 15 feet of the water, so everything we are catching is in the top of the water column. We went 3 for 5 this morning. This afternoon Daryl showed up and fished with us. Started fishing north of the harbor in shallow. Had no hits so we moved out to the deeper water. After a hour of fishing we moved back into the shallows. Started to catch some fish long lining silver hordes 100 feet behind the boards. Went 4 for 5 with the largest king of the day weighing 23.5 lbs.

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