Monday, June 11, 2012

Windy and Rainy

Eric, Dan and Booth
Fished with Joe, Booth, Dan and Eric. Temperature this morning was in the upper 60s and when we quit fishing it was in the lower 70s. When we started fishing the wind was out of the south at 10 knots with waves less than a foot and around 8:30 the wind started to blow out of the southwest around 20 knots with waves 2 to 3 feet and it was raining. Not a good start for the morning. Started fishing where we were yesterday with jet 20's set at 60 feet back and we caught a lot of sheep head and again the occasional walleye. When the wind started to pick up the walleye action was getting better. Started to catch a few walleye and then the wind, waves and rain just got to be too bad so we pulled lines at 9:15 to head back to port. It was a good call because when we started to clean the fish the rain just started to pour down and the sirens were going off indicting bad weather coming. Kept 10 walleye and 1 perch and caught a ton of sheep head and a few silver bass.  

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