Friday, February 14, 2014

The evening fish

Fished with Doug E. and Jack. Jack showed up for the last hour of fishing. Fished from 1 1/2 hours before sunset to 1 1/12 hours after sunset. Fished in a small lake in Bridge Water. When we started fishing the temp was in the upper 20s and when we quit fishing it was in the lower 20s and starting to snow. The wind was out of the southeast about 10 knots. The walk to the lake was terrible, most of the time we were walking through a foot of snow. Once we got on the lake it was still bad. There was at least 6 inches of snow on the ice and below the snow was about 4 inches of slush. The ice is about 15 inches thick. The bite was slow to start but right before dark the bluegill started hitting. Once the sun went down the crappie started to bite. We were using small jigs tipped with mousies, wax worms and spikes. Kept 24 fish, a mixture of crappies and gills.

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