Thursday, July 3, 2014

Rockin and Rollin

Fished with Daryl after his therapy session. Temperature when we started fishing was in the lower 60s and when we quit fishing it was in the upper 60s. The wind was out of the west 15 to 22 knots and the waves were 2 to 3 feet. The water temp is 75 degrees. Started trolling at the S Buoy with wiggle warts heading towards the E Buoy. Did not mark very many fish and caught nothing so we pulled lines and headed past the Toledo Light House and set up at (41 43 450 / 083 17 525) trolling with the waves. Ran wiggle warts set at 85 and 90 feet back. Started catching some walleye off the 90 foot set up. On the first pass we caught 6 walleye and lost one behind the boat so we pulled lines and made another pass. On this pass we only caught 3 walleye so we pulled lines and we figured that this would be are last pass no matter how many fish we caught, it was starting to get pretty bumpy on the lake. Set lines and we caught the last 3 fish real quick. Kept 12 walleye and only caught 1 silver bass. The water was a little stained and there were a few weeds floating but they did not cause any problems.

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