Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Pretty Good Bite Today

Fished with Joe and Daryl. Temperature this morning was in the lower 50's and when we quit fishing it was in the middle 50's. The wind was out of the west northwest 7 to 15 knots with waves less than a foot. The water temp is 57 Degrees. The wind chill was cold in the morning but around 10:00 am it started to warm up. Turned out to be a great day on the lake. We bought our bait at Anglers Landing and again they had emerald shiners from Wisconsin that were really nice. When we came out of the harbor the lake looked pretty clean so we headed for the swamp. We set up in the same spot that we fished the last time we were in the swamp in 10 feet of water. Had some nice marks on the graph so things were looking good. Started catching a few fish right out of the gate and the catching was just steady. We were keeping some nice fish so we just stayed put for the rest of the trip. We would have a flurry of bites and then it would quit for a few minutes. Finished the day with 110 perch with the largest one measuring just over 11 inches. Caught only three white perch and no small walleye today.

1 comment:

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