Wednesday, June 28, 2017

It Was a Short Day

Fished with Joe. Temperature this morning was in the upper 50's and when we quit fishing it was in the middle 70's. The wind was mostly out of the south southwest with waves around a foot. The water temp is 71 Degrees. Started fishing at the S- Buoy trolling towards the northeast side of the dumping grounds with bandits set at 55 and 65 feet behind the boards. We were catching a lot of short walleye and we only had 1 keeper. Joe decided to put the mini disk on with spoons set at 90 feet back and we started to catch a few more keeper walleye. We were fishing on the back side of the dumping grounds on the Michigan side of the border. Both the mini disk and the bandits were catching fish but we were catching way too many short walleye. We just stayed in this area and sorted through all the small walleye to try and get our limit. Our biggest problem was, as soon as you put a pole out, there was probably a short walleye on it. Not complaining because that is a good problem to have. We kept our 12 walleye and put back a countless amount of short walleye. Oh, forgot to mention, Joe caught another catfish again today. Starting to call him the garbage man now!

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