Saturday, February 16, 2008

Lots of Ice Today

Fished with John Hiltz today. Temperature was in the lower 20's with the wind 10-14 knots out of the South.

Talked to Louie this morning before we went fishing and Louie said they were catching a few fish in front of Gino's, but he also heard they were catching fish at Metropolitan Park at the Day Sail Ramp. We decided to go to Metropolitan Park.

Talked to a few guys at Metropolitan before we headed out who said they were catching a few fish. We headed out towards the left and 300 yards out. Fished in about 7 ft. of water and all we caught were dinks. The ice was a foot thick and the water was cloudy with visibility of about 3 ft. Made another move 200 ft. further out and the first fish we caught was 9.5 inches, so we figured we had a good spot. The water was a foot deeper here. We decided to stay in this spot for the rest of the afternoon as it was getting late.

Fishing was more productive when we were jigging, rather than just letting the bait sit there. We used mousies, spikes and minnows today. The minnows caught the larger fish and the mousies outproduced the spikes. Caught a lot of fish today, but only kept 9, between 7.5 and 9.5 inches, enough for John's Mom to have for dinner.

Next Planned Trip: Sunday, Feb. 24, with Joe at Lk. St. Clair

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