Saturday, January 3, 2009

Nothing but small fish.

Went fishing by myself, could not find any one who wanted to go. Temp was in the middle 20s with a slight breeze out of the east. Around 9:00 AM the sun came out and it was just a perfect day for fishing. Thought I would try some where different so I headed to South River Road to fish in front of Candles. When I got to the parking lot there was no one fishing and I did not want to be the first one out so I headed back to where we fished last week, the Metro Park. The ice had blew out of the area that we fished last week and the only place they were fishing was by the Day Sail Ramp. I started to fish there but as I look around no one was catching any fish. I watched for about 15 minutes and decided to head to Geno's and fish there. The parking lot was jammed at Geno's and I got one of the last spots left. I fished in front of Geno's and down by the willow trees with out any luck. Every one I talked to was fish less and most of the people were just standing around. I pulled out the binoculars and finally found someone catching some fish, so that is where I headed. I set up and started to catch some fish but all that I caught were small perch. I watched the guy next to me and every so often he would catch a keeper. I went and talked to him and he was using wigglers on a small pink jig, the bait that I did not have. I went back to fishing but all that I could catch was small perch. I had no keepers for the day. On the walk back in everyone that I talked to had no fish. The ice is 6 inches thick.

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