Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Fished the A.W.W.T. with Joe and John. Another year of bad weather. The storms came through last night and it rained pretty hard. The only good news is the rain stopped. We had three boats show up and that was enough to fish so away we went. We all headed out to the spot we have been fishing the last few days and set lines. The temperature this morning was in the middle 60s and when we quit fishing it was in the upper 70s. The wind was out of the south at 10 knots this morning with waves less than a foot. As the day progressed the wind picked up and switched to the west at 15 to 22 knot. When it was all said and done the waves were 2 to 4 feet. All three of us stopped in the same area (41 46 800 / 083 07 600) and set lines. We ran dipsy's set at 120 feet back and jet 20s at 85 feet back. The only thing that we had in common is that most of the fish came off the lure called Cat/Dog. We tried to stay in this general area but with the wind and waves it was very tough. We would pull lines and head back into the waves and reset them but just that fast we were beyond or hot spot. Around 11:30 we decided to call it a day and head in, which was a very long and bumby ride in. We kept 10 walleye, caught a lot of sheephead and a few white perch.

The results for the 2010 A.W.W.T.

1st place-Team Bird's Nest- 61 inches

2nd place-Team Lucky Strike- 57 6/8 inches

3rd place-Team Serenity- 36 inches

Big fish

Team Bird's Nest- 20 5/8 inches

After we cleaned the fish and talked for a while it was decided that the tournament will be moved to the end of May or the first of June, just to get away from the stormy season and the fish are also closer to port.

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