Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sewer City, Not Garden City

This video is when the flooding began. The previously posted videos were further into the flooding. We contacted Garden City Police at 2:33 a.m. and they stated that they would notify Garden City DPS. At 2:54 a.m. we contacted DPS directly and had to leave a voicemail. When no one from the city had come to our home by 3:46 a.m., we contacted Garden City Police again. The dispatcher stated that DPS had been notified.

Ours is not the only home flooded with sewage. Four homes in a row here had sewage damage, one home having even more than the 36" we received. Three of us contracted with a professional government certified disaster recovery firm. That crew has pumped out sewage, ripped out tiling, etc. and cut out drywall and paneling to a height above the sewage damage. They also removed every sewage damaged item. The only items left in our basements are things on the walls or shelves above the sewage damage. Our home and two of the neighbors debris have already filled three of the dumpsters brought in by the disaster recovery company. The company crew began working on our three homes Sunday morning and as of Tuesday night, they still aren't finished. I give these guys a lot of credit - they worked until after midnight Sunday and Monday. There is no way we could have done this ourselves. One of our neighbors is a senior citizen whose husband passed away in March 2010.

The only help the City of Garden City offered was Monday night when they stated at the City Council Meeting that they were placing several dumpsters at locations throughout the city for residents to dispose of damaged items. Right, like we can all haul our water heater, furnace, washer, dryer, furnace, etc to these several dumpsters!

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